Словила stroke of inspiration и бахнула ревью на третий выпуск "Харлин" на Гудридс.
Обычно я по чуть-чуть там пишу. Стесняюсь, да и вапще.
А тут прям махнула мыслью по кнопкам = )))

Harleen (2019-) #3 by Stjepan Šejić

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really loved this one! The big finalle of Dr. Harleen breaking bad. )
I couldn't help but be all sarcastic about two previuos parts, but this issue was so sincere, true and dramatic, it left me no choice but enjoy it extremely.

The story feels great at this point. This scene when Harleen finally gets it... gets what road is paved with good intentions, and how all good things she ever wanted and tried to implement are turned against her.
This is truly powerful.
Life does that to people. Look at Harvey Dent.

Ещё буков!

А чё-т не так уж и много буков, походу...
I can do so much more...